PO Box 9286, Santa Fe, NM 87504


Tending The Fire is the gripping, enlightening, and very human story of Ralph Steele's transformative journey through war and meditation to a sense of wholeness, responsibililty, peace, and compassion.

About The Author

Raised on a South Carolina sea island, tempered by experiences in the Vietnam War, and trained as a physchotherapist, Ralph Steele decided at midlife that tending the fire of this life would be to take robes as a forest monk in Thailand and Myanmar–for a year or for a lifetime. He left his career and twenty-year relationship without knowing if he would return. Tending the Fire is the gripping, enlightening, and very human story of Ralph's transformative journey through war and meditation to a sense of wholeness, responsibility, peace, and compassion. More about Ralph Steele

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Tending the Fire